20 Sep Promotion of the small-scale events
Posted at 14:39h
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Students must prepare and promote at least three small-scale events throughout each implementation phase to present and share their experience with other students, school administrators, teachers, and/or schools. There will be three types of small-scale events promoted by the project’s schools:
- The first type aims to introduce the initiative to other teachers and students of the same school and is to be promoted in the schools of the partnership. These events will involve 16 participants of the school, including teachers and students (in each event).
- The second type is to be promoted in a place to be defined and is addressed to teachers and students from other schools of the region/country. These events will involve 12 participants from other schools, including teachers and students.
- The third type is to be promoted in a place to be defined and is addressed to teachers and students of the same school, but also others. These events will involve 20 participants, including teachers and students of the same school and others.