26 Nov Be Part Project – Improving youth participation
Be part is an Erasmus+ project that works on youth participation. This project is divided into two years, and in each one we work on a different implementation model. We are students of Virolai School, in Barcelona, and we are working on this European project in which schools of Portugal, Greece, Latvia and Spain work together to increase the youth participation in schools.
Last year we were working on an implementation model called Finnish Model. This model consists of a dynamic that helps people to express their opinion in a more comfortable group of people. All the opinions are shared with all the groups and as the dynamic advances, the opinions are complemented and strengthened. The main conclusions were that the Finnish Model was liked a lot among the students and teachers. The general opinion was that the model helped to be more participative and motivated to give opinions.
This year we will implement another model. This model is based on a budget provided by the school and destined to improvements in the college. The money is managed by all the students between 12-16 years old. The objective is that all the students feel more participative and executives. We try to transfer all the decisions and responsibilities to the Secondary students. They will choose the improvement by vote and us, the students that participate in Be Part, will organize all the steps and phases.
We will continue working on the increase of youth participation in our school. After all these phases and models, we will evaluate the impact and share it with the other schools that participate in this Erasmus+ project. Follow us on Instagram as @be.part.project or visit our website https://bepart-project.eu/. Help us encourage students to participate!