02 Dec Be Part Project
At the beginning of the 3rd year of implementation of the European project ERASMUS+ KA3 “BePart”, we launched a call of interest for our students and we selected 8 new students who meet the criteria of the project. From the second meeting with the students we discussed the most serious problems of the school and we decided to engage ourselves this year with diversity, stereotypes and gender equality. This has huge impact on the wellbeing of school since conflicts have occurred recently as a result of bullying a group of Roma students. For this reason we chose to the yMind MYP which addresses the issue of discriminations in the most effective way. The second MYP will be Sedin for addressing the issue of bullying.
Also there is a smooth interaction between the old students (mentors) and the new ones. The old students created a short guide which presented to the new students, explaining the phases of implementation of EAR, the last year’s Model of Youth Participation. Meanwhile, a new teacher has joined the project. Mrs Zerefou, with her experience on resolving conflicts and youth empowerment, will contribute to the successful implementation of MYP, working closely with Corinna Pertsinidou, Georgia Pritsiouli and Maria Kassi. Her participation also to the Capacity Building will empower her as a facilitator to all phases of implementation.
There was a positive reaction to the project by the parents’ association and the students’ council when we presented to them last year’s outcome.