03 Feb 2o Gymnasio Geraka
After exploring the needs of our school, the Greek new team composed of nine (9) new students and three (3) old ones, along with their facilitators, has been implementing since December, the yMIND Model of Youth Participation, which promotes better social inclusion of Roma students and youth through comprehensive diversity education in school and community-based settings.
Through the model understanding diversity, respecting differences, promoting gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence (GBV), and prevention of bullying and discrimination is enhanced.
Except for the students of the project, we have engaged POLs (Popular Opinion Leader) from the students’ council and Roma community of the school. We train POLs to function as educators and influencers on these topics for their teams.
The workshops so far include:
Α. Sensitisation towards commonalities and differences
Β. Recognising the multifacetedness of own identity
- Exploring own identity
- Identity and power differences
- Sensitisation towards prejudices and pigeonholing
- Violence prevention
- Violence in intimate relationships
- Gender and gender mainstreaming
We plan to finish our workshops with gender equality by the middle of February. Meanwhile we will arrange seminars for raising awareness of violence and diversity for each class.
We have informed of the BePart project and the yMIND MYP that we are implementing:
- The teachers of our school
- The students’ council
- The parents’ association
- The Deputy Mayor of Education
Diffusion will be made to the school community by seminars, poster competition on the issues of diversity, violence and gender equality, posts at the school’s web page and facebook page and youtube channel.
We will also make dissemination to the networks that we belong by organizing events.
The coordinator of the Greek team
Pertsinidou Corinna