21 Sep BePart project present at ErasmusDays 2022
BePart project is pleased to invite you to join the event “Students’ voice and participation – from policy to practice”. This event will be held within the scope of the 6th edition of the ErasmusDays initiative and will present BePart and Start the Change projects that share a common objective of promoting the participation of young people/students in school life and the community. This workshop with experts is targeted at teachers, educators, school headmasters, political representatives from the educational sector and all people and entities interested in promoting participatory methodologies for students in Portugal and aims to collect the contributions of all these experts for the development of the BePart Youth-Led Model (WP4).
Join us on the 14th of October in Matosinhos at Florbela Espanca Library, in Matosinhos, Portugal between 9h30 and 12h30 (PT time) for this event!
Participation is free, but registration is required.
Register here until the 8th of October.