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  YOUR VOICE MATTERS: open call for school fellowships on youth participation in school management If you are a student between the ages of 13 and 15 and want to actively participate in school management at your...

The Portuguese team inside the BePart project has gone through many stages until now. In the first phase, the students were introduced to the Models of Youth Participation and through Allourideas they did a selection...

  One of the themes the Latvia team chose was “relationships during distance learning”. At the beginning of the distance learning, the students formed discussion groups to discuss issues that concern them. Relationships and their maintenance...

It was a challenging year for schools, especially for those who want to work active participation with young people in school management. How to involve and engage students in the decision-making process if they are...

The BePart training for teachers was initially due to be hosted by Platoniq in Barcelona in mid-June 2020. However, 2020 was an unusual year: the Covid-19 pandemic changed all plans. Resilience was perhaps the main...

CIIE / UPorto is one of the partners of the BePart project which aims to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative and participatory approach for young people in mainstream schools, promoting inclusive education and, simultaneously,...

  After the covid-19 outbreak, students are now back to school and willing to interact with their friends and teachers after so many time apart. Besides the fears and anxieties that this new situation causes everyone,...