What we do
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What we do

The BePart project aimed to develop, implement and evaluate an innovative participatory youth approach to be implemented in regular schools, fostering inclusive education while promoting citizenship competences and youth empowerment


What is it?

Simply defined, participation is the act of taking part in or becoming actively involved or sharing, but the reality of youth participation is more complex. In further defining participation, and concretely youth participation, many definitions are based on the following concepts: decision-making, taking part and active social citizenship

So we can define youth participation as:

a process where young people, as active citizens, take part in, express views on, and have decision-making power about issues that affect them.

With whom?





Our challenges


Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training


Promote common values and intercultural competences, including Citizenship Education


Promote inclusive education for all learners


Strengthening the awareness of European values

Good practices

Our methodological approach relied on five main concepts that assured the innovation on the promotion of the acquisition and development of students’ civic competencies.

Youth-led development

Is a participatory approach that places youth in the centre of their development and growth, that comprises 5 main principles: 1) the definition of the goals and objectives of youth development are defined by them; 2) a social and physical place, in which youth can take their activities, needs to be created, allowing the regular contact with them; 3) the development axis is the interaction and cooperation with others, so mentorship from adults and peer-to-peer mentorship are encouraged; 4) one of the most important roles of youth is as role model, in which they need to encourage other youth to be engaged and participate in the development; 5) the integration of youth into local and national development programmes and frameworks is crucial.

Models of youth participation

The backbone of the youth participation models is the establishment of strategic partnerships between youth and adults, fostering the promotion of youth skills and autonomy in the participation in decision-making processes. Studies reveal that these models have a huge impact on the mobilization and engagement of youth in social and politic sphere. There are three different types of models of youth participation – youth-led, youth-adult partnership and adult. BePart project focused on the youth-led model, once teachers were the facilitators and supporters of students, as leaders of the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of models of youth participation.

Co-creation process

Is a management strategy in which two parties cooperate with each other in the process of designing and developing a product, methodology or event, that will be an added value to both. The process of co-creation brings richness to the learning process, providing a personal and unique experience between the two persons cooperating with each other, promoting the motivation and engagement of the persons in their learning path. Co-creation provides meaning to the learning, being a quite relevant method in the engagement and motivation of students in school activities.

Project-based learning (PBL)

Is a student-centred pedagogy, characterized for promoting an active learning by involving learners in the exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Instead of being teacher-led approach, PBL is an active learning method in which teachers act as learning facilitators by presenting questions, challenges and problems to which students need to respond to. It is important to guarantee the coexistence of 4 axis:

  • Learning Spaces Help Set the Tone – Working in groups is the basis of PBL pedagogy, in which group of students are challenged to search, analyse and provide an answer to a specific challenge, problem or question. So, it is important to establish and provide a space to students work with each other to solve a common problem, allowing to all students to take part of this active methods.
  • Think Information Access – Active learning requires, not only the existence of a learning space for working in groups, but also some tools that can support students in brainstorming, discussions, planning and defining the roadmap of the project. So, white board, reference books, access to art and any other resources can be an added value to the active learning of students.
  • Use Technology with Purpose – Technology can be a quite useful tool for the integration of PBL in schools, allowing students to search, get, organise and share technologic-based information. However, to have impact, the use of technologies in learning needs to be in line with the goal of the activity, being a complement to any other strategies that students can use in their schools.
  • See yourself as the ultimate resource – Commonly, people don’t see themselves as an important resource when developing an activity. This happens also in the cases of students that usually recognise as resources external aspects and not themselves. Nevertheless, in PBL students are resources, once all activities are implemented by and for students.
Youth empowerment

It aims to improve quality of life and is a process in which youth takes the charge of their lives, by being active in their contexts and following their believes, values and goals. Youth empowerment differs from youth-led, once it is focused on generating innovation and changes in the community, impacting individuals that are involved in the process or integrated in the community.


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. (Project Nº.:  612175-EPP-1-2019-1-PT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN)
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